December 15, 2020

VIDEO: Young Discusses COVID Relief Package and Path Forward Toward Recovery

WASHINGTON – During today’s Senate GOP leadership press conference, U.S. Senator Todd Young (R-Ind.) discussed the COVID vaccine beginning to be administered, the immediate need for Congress to pass a COVID relief package, and the path forward toward continued recovery.

“Clearly a win for the American people has been this rapid development and approval of Pfizer’s coronavirus vaccine. Something to be celebrated – it’s really a testament to the ingenuity and determination of the American people that we were able to get this developed and approved in such rapid fashion and also a testament to Operation Warp Speed. This would not have happened but for Operation Warp Speed.

“We are now at a point where just yesterday there was a vaccine delivered to a hospital in Indiana so that our high risk healthcare, hardworking personnel on the front lines would have access to this groundbreaking, game changing vaccine, and in the coming week we are going to see this vaccine distributed to 50 additional hospitals around the State of Indiana so that our healthcare workers can be protected as we continue to do everything we can to control the symptoms of and to contain this deadly virus.

“The ball is sort of in our court now in Congress. The researchers have done their work, so many of the American people, our essential workers, are doing their part. Now it’s time for Congress to do its part and pass this end-of-year coronavirus relief package so that we can make sure we get the vaccine out to more Americans as we head into next year and provide additional economic relief as so many of these Americans continue to suffer.

“We really need to put politics aside, it seems like we’re getting very close to doing that and coming to terms on some difficult issues and I’m very pleased about that. The Electoral College submitted its vote. And I also think, as we look into next year, it is very important that each of us pledges to work with President-elect Biden and Vice President-elect Harris to ensure that we keep the American people safe and secure so that we get through this coronavirus period and we emerge very strongly on the back end of it,” said Senator Young.

Click here to watch Senator Young’s full remarks.

