July 25, 2019

Young, Braun, Brady Introduce Bill to Cap Federal Spending, Right-size the Government, Grow the Economy, and Balance the Budget

WASHINGTON – This week U.S. Senators Todd Young (R-Ind.) and Mike Braun (R-Ind.), and Congressman Kevin Brady (R-TX) introduced the Maximizing America’s Prosperity (MAP)Act.


“As a father of four young children, one of my greatest concerns is our nation’s skyrocketing debt being passed down to the next generation,” said Senator Young. “We must get our fiscal house in order and rein in the true drivers of our debt. The MAP Actis a commonsense solution to help get us on the right track.” 


“As a Main Street businessman, I believe we need to reduce runaway federal spending and address our national debt and the MAP Actprovides Congress with the tools to accomplish this goal,” said Senator Braun. “This commonsense bill will cap federal spending, then cut any spending over the caps, which will ultimately lead to a balanced budget.”


“Washington doesn’t have a revenue problem, it has a spending problem; and the best way for Congress to approach this issue is by committing to smarter federal spending caps,” said Congressman Brady. “I introduced the MAP Actto put America’s budget back on a path to sustainable financial solvency. It is my hope that Congress can come together to pass this act swiftly and finally rein in federal spending.”


Both H.R. 3930 – the House legislation – and S. 2245 – the Senate legislation – have multiple cosponsors.


Click here to learn more about the MAP Actand why it’s a better way to cap federal spending. 


Click here to read the full coalition letter of support. 

