February 5, 2021

Young Opposes Democrats’ Divisive Partisan Overreach on COVID-19 Relief

WASHINGTON – U.S. Senator Todd Young (R-Ind.) today voted against the Fiscal Year 2021 Budget Resolution, which enables Democrats to fast-track a one-sided COVID-19 package without bipartisan negotiation through a process known as reconciliation. Senator Young has been outspoken on the need for the next COVID-19 relief package to be bipartisan, and he is one of 10 Republican Senators who met with President Biden this week after proposing a more targeted COVID-19 relief package that could garner bipartisan support.

“President Biden has emphasized his desire for unity, but actions from his Democratic counterparts in Congress aren’t matching up to his rhetoric. Their plan to ram a one-sided COVID-19 package through Congress without bipartisan negotiation is the exact opposite of unity. When I joined a group of my Republican colleagues at the White House this week to propose a more targeted approach focused directly on COVID-19 relief, I was pleased that the President offered a courteous ear and appeared ready to work with Republicans to find common ground on relief for Americans, just as we have done five previous times since this pandemic began. We should be working together to get vaccines in arms, provide small business relief, and get our kids back to school. But instead, national Democrats are prioritizing a partisan package that focuses more on liberal priorities that have nothing to do with the pandemic, such as bailing out fiscally irresponsible states and raising the minimum wage. I’m disappointed this is the approach Democrats in Congress have chosen to take.”

