January 28, 2021

Young Statement on Biden Abortion Actions

WASHINGTON – U.S. Senator Todd Young (R-Ind.) issued the following statement regarding the Biden Administration’s executive actions today to promote abortions in the U.S. and abroad:

“Reversing pro-life policies enacted during the Trump Administration sends a false message to the world of how little we value the lives of the unborn. We should not be using federal funds to prop up abortion providers here or abroad. President Biden’s reversal of abortion restrictions goes against the pro-life principles supported by a majority of Americans and certainly by most Hoosiers. I am sickened that making abortions easier to obtain was one of the President’s top priorities upon taking office.

“As a Senator, President Biden supported the Hyde Amendment, which bans federal funding for abortions. However, now that he has risen to the White House, it’s clear he is taking orders from the radical left who support taxpayer-funded abortions on demand. I will continue fighting back against these horrific actions and doing everything in my power to protect the unborn.”

Background on President Biden’s action today: 

  • Rescinds the expanded Mexico City Policy (“Global Gag Rule”), which bans U.S. foreign aid from going to foreign nongovernmental organizations that offer abortions or provide information about them.
  • Restores funding for the United Nations Population Fund despite its support for China’s forced abortion and sterilization regime.
  • Withdraws the United States’ support for the Geneva Consensus Declaration, which states there is no international right to abortion and declares a sovereign nation’s right to protect all innocent human lives by rejecting abortion.
  • Begins the process of rolling back the Title X Protect Life Rule by directing the Department of Health and Human Services to review a rule enacted by the Trump Administration prohibiting federal funding for domestic family planning programs involved with abortions.
